A Place For Newbies...
Jerry Fluffy here once again, this time with a tidbit for all of you SLers out there. As you may or may not know, it is a hard to go around the town of SL as a newbie. There's nowhere really to go outside of the Welcome Area (unless you're curious like myself), and it's hard to part with the L$250 everyone starts with, to get better clothes for yourself [that doesn't look newbie-made]. So what do you do you ask? Well, let me tell a little story first.
So after getting bored the day before, I ended my game by teleporting back to the welcome area, since I haven't been there in a long time. When I logged back into SL the next day, I was approached by a female av who asked me if I liked techno music. Going along with the questionaire, for I knew she was going to take me to some club, she offered me and another male av who was in the scene a teleport to the island of Plush Epsilon. Once there, the lady went on to show us two stores: The first had free tattoos for your av, but I didn't want any; the second had clothes of all kinds, but she showed us a section with free outfits. Taking a closer look for myself, I decided that this would be the perfect time to update my wardrobe...so I took all of the free items (she said we could), and tried on some of them. They are amazing; I'll post the pictures later.
After that, the lady took us to the club [like I expected], and the next thing you know, I'm dancing on the dance floor. The people in this club are all newbies; some of them were "born" three days ago. [Pretend today is March 29] So they're all there in this rave club, dancing, having a good time [and a good chat] when I notice that my Linden total went up. Turns out that one of the piggies floating around pays L$20 to a random person when activated. I made about L$100 that nite [which was great because...well...I was broke], and the other clubbers were happy that the piggy loved me so.
Then again, I was so happy that the piggy loved me so. Anyways, it was getting late, and one of my friends told me about this other new club that he found. [This one's not just for newbies] But I did earn some more Lindens from the Raffle Ball and the L$100,000 giveaway that was going on. I made L$28 more before going to sleep for the nite, but it sure was fun. If you'd like to go to these places, send me a message in game...or search for "Cirque Mystique" or "The Edge"--those are the two clubs I went to, and you could go there too. They have good music that you'll probably dance all nite too.
Thanks for listening again, and remember, this is Jerry Fluffy telling you to stay away from escorts--they're too expensive...
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