Friday, March 24, 2006

Let's Put Things Together Jerry!--Google Video

So, while The Price is Right was playing in the background in my room, I watched the Google video about Second Life. Basically, this was a video tape of a conference two guys from Linden Labs gave to people intrested in the program, and how it is possible to make money off of playing this game. Hearing what the two developers had to say about Second Life was quite interesting [especially the bit about how the game runs horribly on Macs without the Intel processor].

But before I ramble onto nonsensical issues and things that were of interest in thier speech, there are two things that I would like to point out as being learnt by watching this. The first was the fact that people are making money from selling their creations in Second Life. It turns out that whatever you create in this game becomes your own personal property, so you become in charge of it, free to do with it what you want. The second thing that I learned was how to build--I also went to a class on that in game after watching the video. See, building is one of the fine joys of SL, and it is though this process that people are making money [not to forget selling clothing and real estate as well]. In the class I went to, I basically learned the basics of the building process, but the big Lindens in game are made from complex items created by in game users [like the gun he showed to the audience] that have a large demand by others in the game. Though it is noted by the speaker that the SL community is willing to share some stuff with each other in the game, but selling lots of stuff basically increases your Linden count, which could later be transferred into actual money.

Now, what is it from speeches that we could take to be a part of our research? Well, remember that the first thing that must be done with any speech is to analyze it. [Silly step, but it helps] As far as categories go, I would say to first identify what the speech is going to be about--in this case, it was mainly about building objects and making money, but there were other topics covered in the speech as well. From there, take notes that pertain to the important factors that you've pointed out from the speech. Basically, what I'm trying to say here that the important things from any speech should be subject to analysis and further development. In this case, a good start would be to go into finding out how to build things, and how to give or sell them to other people.


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