About the U2 concert in SecondLife (from Rand)
I attended the U2 concert this past Saturday... like Kim mentioned in class, I guess some tribute band created avatars that looked just like U2, and then they streamed a concert with all U2 songs.
Advertisments for www.one.org were posted everywhere. So I guess if U2 got mad, Second Life could say that the concert was free of charge, plus they promoted the humanitarian organization that Bono supports (or does he run it?).
They were giving out free t-shirts and concessions, although I went to the concessions and couldn't order anything (I always kind of wondered if our avatars ever needed to eat).
Sadly I realized this after the fact, but I took pictures of the concert in between the opening band's set and U2's set... so I don't have the U2 avatars in the photo, but perhaps you can imagine.

Hey everybody,
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